Energy Insights

Europe's gas market forecast – bearish or bullish?

September 13, 2024

Price swings on the European gas market are notoriously difficult to predict. With gas storage facilities 93% full two months ahead of schedule and the heating season still a few weeks off, the short-term forecast for some market participants is bearish, but what factors are at play and what wildcards can we anticipate for the coming months? Reporting by Julia Demirdag. Contributors: Joachim Endress, Managing Director, Ganexo GmbH; and Francisco Gaspar Machado, Senior Power Research Analyst, LSEG Power Research.

neerliquid October 02, 2024 06:04 AM Delete

@tunnel rush, I agree that the market may seem bearish right now with storage at 93%, but I think we need to keep a close eye on possible external disruptions. If there's any reduction in supply from major exporters like Russia or Norway, or if LNG shipments get delayed, the situation could flip very quickly.

Don Payne October 02, 2024 03:25 AM Delete

This is a fascinating analysis of the current state of the European gas market. With storage levels so high, a bearish outlook seems reasonable in the short term, but I'm curious to see what wildcards, such as unexpected weather changes or geopolitical factors, could shift the market. Looking forward to insights from experts like Joachim Endress and Francisco Gaspar Machado. Thanks for shedding basketball stars light on this complex topic!

Bairstow September 18, 2024 02:03 PM Delete

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randolphshaw September 17, 2024 02:00 PM Delete

@eggy car Gas prices are really hard to predict. I think we should consider more.

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