
Understanding Guarantees of Origin - the Corporate View

February 06, 2024

In this webinar experts from Montel Marketplace and Capgemini Invent join forces and pull together key points of Guarantees of Origin markets for the corporate actors in the space.

In 60 minutes we will cover:

- Fundamentals of Guarantees of Origin

- Guarantees of Origin markets, price and regulatory development

- Common challenges for corporate actors to be aware of

- Key considerations for a Guarantees of Origin target operating model

After the webinar you will have built a solid understanding of Guarantees of Origin in the corporate context. The practical approach of the speakers will provide you with tools that can be implemented to your corporate strategy.

This will enable you to function more efficiently in the ever-changing Guarantees of Origin landscape.

Hazika October 28, 2024 10:37 AM Delete

Quality with various sources of information. Enjoy exploring different knowledge. Each video selects good sources of messages. There is a connection between the geometry dash lite content to bring good chain of knowledge.

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