Montel News - Slot 2

Montel News - Energy Insights

Aarhus – Europe’s energy trading hub

911 views March 15, 2024

Why have energy trading firms congregated in Denmark’s second city of Aarhus, and what is the...

Montel News - Slot 2

Finland – Europe’s most volatile power market

516 views June 17, 2024

Finland’s power market has seen huge changes over the past couple of years, as a surge in new...

Montel News - 60 seconds

Europe’s parliamentary elections – a rebuke for...

209 views June 10, 2024

Weekend elections for the European Parliament have delivered a blow to parties most outspoken in...

Montel News - Energy Insights

Paid to use power – a sustainable trend?

343 views June 05, 2024

European power markets have witnessed a barrage of negative prices in recent months, and this...

Montel News - Energy Insights

Swedish nuclear – Just an illusion?

296 views June 03, 2024

Sweden is banking on nuclear power to help it meet a forecast sharp rise in demand. But it is a...

Montel News - 60 seconds

Global LNG competition to tighten ahead of winter

237 views May 23, 2024

Global competition for LNG, especially between Asia and Europe, should remain subdued over the...